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Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Just because you're selling .....

Hi Janie here again with another guest blog - thanks SIO for letting me revisit you. 

Understanding business - unlocking the secrets of business

Just because you're selling today does not mean the person you meet or who sees your shop is buying today.  Often I meet small business owners who are confused by networking and building relationships, they assume pitch and do it enough then you will sell.  You cannot sell to someone who does not want to buy at that moment.  Pressure selling is a way to guarantee they will never buy from you. Coax, inform, keep your brand in the limelight, and remind, this way when they are ready to buy they will remember you.

Always put yourself in their shoes, do you buy a loaf of bread every time you walk past the bakers, of course you don't, and nor will your customers.  Too much pushing and you become like those pesky telephone sales folks reading from the script.  Remember less is more on the pitch but remember brand is key keep it in the public eye using multiple media multiple times.  Look at Marks and Spencer, just think how many ways and where you see their brand - from shop front to tags in the knickers, TV ads to sandwich wrappers - that is keeping a brand in the public eye.  Small or large same applies!

SEEK IT OUT: Changing the world a stitch at a time

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