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Thursday, 15 November 2012

Getting ahead of the game!

In a previous blog we talked about collecting and drying the autumn leaves to use for fab cards and gift tags.  That is possibly now past as the leaves are getting a bit soggy.

So next step for a natural Xmas is the branches and twigs you might want to use to create flower arrangements, hang decorations on or wrap lights around.  Before too much longer start to find those twigs and branches.  You might be doing some end of year gardening or out for a walk, so keep your eyes open.

Collect them now before they get mossy and slimy, giving them time to dry out so you can paint or spray them in good time for Xmas.  You will struggle to paint or spray onto damp wood, so it is important to get now and let dry fully. Just hang or place somewhere in a dry atmosphere.

Remember that your twiggy creations can last long after Christmas.  Use vases, fine twine or florists dry pack to hold your twigs and branches.  Lots if tiny little LED light sets on sale now, allowing you to make extra special decorations for a tiny cost and enjoy the extra bonus of having created something yourself.

Go off and have fun, stay safe and keep away from fire.

SEEK IT OUT: Changing the world a stitch at a time

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