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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Your very own Wells Dressing!

Crafting with the kids on this rainy day? Lots of ideas in our making section and also freebies for those registered on the site. http://www.seekitout.co.uk/to-make.html
How about a family craft day to see who can create something amazing. In the Peak District the traditional Wells Dressings use natural products from nature and clay to produce spectacular pictures, the tradition goes back way into history.  The results they achieve are spectacular to say the least.
So how about some simple plasticine or similar, even double sided tape (carpet tape - try B&Q), piece of card or board, rice, dried pulses, scraps of fabric, beads, old wrappings, egg shells, flower petals, moss, pebbles or scrunched up paper to create a family masterpiece, does not have to be done in a day so could not be more perfect.  Slip under a bed or on top of a cupboard for safe keeping till done.  Worried it will dry out cover carefully with cling film till done. Check these ideas out bit.ly/M0xPMu  Often religious yours can be anything, people, flowers, Olympics, date in History, even random modern art.... the world really is your oyster

SEEK IT OUT: Changing the world a stitch at a time

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