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Friday, 13 July 2012

(Guest Blog) Social Media – What to write about

This week we welcome the Sewing Directory as a Guest Blogger - huge thanks to them for this informative piece.

Social Media – What to write about

People are always saying you should get onto Facebook and Twitter or set up a blog to help build your business.  Where many people struggle is to know what to say on their social media accounts, most people know you shouldn’t go on about your products all the time, so what should you talk about?

Related products/services
If you sell fabric then why not share projects and tutorials which show people what to do with the fabric they buy from you?  Discuss sewing magazines or books.  All these things are complimentary to your products and will help to engage your followers.  If you have the time try and find projects made up with supplies that you sell so if someone loves the fabric featured they can buy it from you.  Or when posting a link you could say this would look great made up in this fabric (and link to one on your site).

Tips and How to Guides
People always appreciate advice; if you sell beads why not tell people about different storage options, different beading techniques or write a tutorial to share with people.  If you stock art supplies explain the difference between the different types of paint and when best to use them, demonstrate techniques, interview artists to get advice to share with your followers.

Show who is behind the business
People love to know who they are doing business with, maybe profile your company owners and staff on your blog, share pictures of them at shows or in the shop on Facebook.  Let people know about the history of the company, celebrate milestones with them and make them feel a part of your business.   It is a lot easier to relate to a person than to a faceless business.

Industry News & events
Keep an eye on key industry sites and magazines so you can share details of upcoming shows, new products and industry news with your followers.  If people know you are a good source of information they will keep coming back to you.

Your products and offers
Of course it is expected that you will also talk about your products and offers, just be careful to keep it to a minimum so you don’t spam people.   Facebook is ideal for sharing pictures of your new products, blogs give you a place to tell people what is coming soon or just in stock and tempting one liners on Twitter will get people clicking to see more eg. ‘Wow wait until you see what just arrived today...’

Promote others
It’s nice to promote complimentary businesses to yours through your social media, and often they will return the favour therefore getting both of you new fans and hopefully new customers.  For instance if you sell quilting fabrics but not wadding you could tell people about good places to buy wadding.  You could also tell people where to get their quilts long arm quilted and then hopefully when they get customers looking for fabric they will send them your way and hopefully mention you on their social media accounts.

General chat
Social media is all about being social, think about what you would discuss with someone you just met in real life – the weather, what was on TV last night, what is in the news etc.  Personally I think business accounts/blogs should be kept mainly to business but that doesn’t mean there’s no space for a little bit of general chit chat, and ironically those kinds of posts tend to have a good response rate too!

Hopefully the above will give you a few ideas about what content you could use for your updates.  In time you will find what works best for you.  Keep an eye on your stats (follower numbers, views per post on Facebook, Twitter interactions and retweets, page hits on your blog and whether your web stats increase following your posts) to see what gives you the best result. 

This post was written by Fiona Pullen from The SewingDirectory For more social media advice including detailed guides on using Facebook, Twitter and setting up a blog please visit: http://www.thesewingdirectory.co.uk/business-articles/

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