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Monday, 13 May 2013

Home-made Pasta, Easy as you like!

Seek It Out have kindly invited me to share more of my favourite recipes with you all so here I am again, writing from the Western Cape of South Africa with my latest craze: Home-made pasta.

My other half kindly bought me a pasta machine for Christmas last year, something I've wanted to try out for the longest time.

I spent some time looking up recipes and how to make but was totally put off by the time and difficulty in making the dough by hand. It wasn't until a good friend suggested that I use a food processor to mix the dough, that I really saw the potential fun in making my own because, lets face it... spending ages kneading dough wears down your enthusiasm a bit!

So here's my quick fix pasta dough recipe: (Makes enough for 2 but very easy to double up)

1 Cup Plain Flour
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Salt
Black pepper
A dash of Olive Oil
and don't forget your apron!!

Put everything into your food processor and whizz up until it's thoroughly combined.

Turn out onto a floured board and knead until you have a smooth dough, this shouldn't take long. The dough should be soft and pliable but not sticky. Just flour your hands and keep kneading until the texture is good.

Then you can run the dough int a few batches through your pasta machine if you have one, or alternatively roll out by hand. Either way is fine but do make sure you make nice thin sheets because the pasta does puff up on cooking.

I like to use a cookie cutter to make rounds which I fill with whatever happens to be in the fridge. You can really get creative here - I like to use leftover roasted sweet potato and butternut which I blend or mash and season. If you don't have a pasta machine, it is difficult and time consuming to make spaghetti  but this ravioli is really special and is really quite easy.

You can also freeze any spare ravioli on a tray then once they are solid you can turn them out into a tupperware ready to pop into boiling water for five minutes next time you need a quick meal.
I recommend making a smallish batch the first time you try so you're not daunted by making masses of pasta.

Try it out for yourself before making for a whole dinner party!
Enjoy playing with this wonderfully creative meal - top with pesto, avocado, olives, home-made sauce or whatever you can dream up!

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