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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Today's actions might impact on tomorrow!

Hi Janie here again with another guest blog - thanks SIO for letting me revisit you.  

Selling is tough enough and at the moment very hard.  Too much competition, price slashing, free postage and more to compete with.

Being a sheep and simply assuming what others do works, is dangerous.  This year many shoppers held back from visiting the High Street, waiting for the pre Xmas mega sales to arrive before buying.  The confused shopper then found a High Street of mixed messages, 70% to full price - which was it, when would sales appear as they did the year before.

The actions of pre Xmas 2011 meant shoppers saw a pattern and expected 2012 to be the same, but it was not with some stores resisting mega sales or early sales.

So if you have a regular following think hard and long about changing habbits or knee jurk reactions, as what you do now may be with you for longer than you hope.

SEEK IT OUT Changing the world a stitch at a time

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