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Tuesday 15 July 2014

Make your own: Lavender and Rose Petal Bath Salts

Everyone has a stressful day now and then; a great way to combat the daily grind and relax tense muscles is to take time out and soak in a hot bath. 

I like to add lovely scented bath salts to my bath once in a while. 
Here is a recipe for simple, soothing, Lavender and Rose Petal bath salts that will also leave your skin feeling lovely.

1 cup Sea Salt or Coarse Salt
2 cups Epsom Salts
1/2 cup Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Glycerine
20 drops Lavender essential oil
1/2 cup Dried Lavender flowers and Rose Petals

Mix all the salts with the baking powder, add the glycerine and essential oil to the mix and combine well.
Add the dry Lavender flowers and store into a screw topped bottle that seals tightly. 

Now all you need are some candles and an hour to yourself!

This recipe makes a fab little gift for someone special. Embellish the jars with pretty ribbons or fresh Lavender from the garden if you have some.

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