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Monday, 21 April 2014

SIO Tips 63: Snipping Corners and Excess

If you are sewing something that needs to be turned inside out when finished, make sure you snip the corners before you turn it right side out. This will make it easier to push the corners out and a neater final project because there won’t be so much excess fabric making lumpy edges. The same applies if you have excess fabric on the seam; trim some of it off, avoiding clipping the stitches before turning the fabric right side out as well.
SEEKITOUT: Changing the world a stitch at a time.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

SIO Tips no. 62: Keep your Kitchen Sponges clean

Keeping your washing up or cleaning sponges bacteria free is really simple with this handy tip. Just wring out the excess water and zap the sponges in your microwave for one minute on high; this kills any bacteria growth.

SEEKITOUT: Changing the world a stitch at a time.