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Friday, 28 March 2014

SIO Tips no. 61: Keep your Scissors Sharp

Cut through fine sandpaper a few times to sharpen your everyday scissors.

SEEKITOUT: Changing the world a stitch at a time.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

SIO Tips no. 60: Choosing a new colour Scheme

Paint lollipop sticks with the color you're painting  the walls in your house; take with you on shopping trips to match furniture, curtains, decorations, etc.

Write the make and name of the color on the back of the stick along with which room it's used and keep for easy reference in case you need to touch up the paintwork in the future.

SEEKITOUT: Changing the world a stitch at a time.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Make your own bubble fun

Affordable and easy bubbles keep kids entertained; make up your own bubble solution and watch them have an absolute ball! 

You will need:

1 Cup water 
1 1/2 tablespoons dish soap 
1 1/2 teaspoons glycerin

Mix and leave overnight before using. Leaving over night is important to make a stronger solution so the bubbles don't burst so easily.

If you don't have bubble bottles with wands to re-fill, you can make a game of finding things in the kitchen that can be used to blow bubbles through. Any utensils with holes in will work; slotted spoons, spatulas etc. or you can use cookie cutters, plastic trays from buying fruit (the ones with holes in) or twist pipe cleaners into fun shapes. 

Remember this can be a bit of a messy fun-time so use a room that's easy to wipe down or better still get them outside in the fresh air.