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Thursday, 20 February 2014

No more ugly glue from labels

Empty jars from jams or preserves make wonderful storage for little bits in your craft room but removing the glue left behind after soaking off the paper labels can be a nightmare and very irritating when it comes to re-using them.

Here is one easy way around the problem; you will need - Baking Soda, Vegetable Oil and a brush.

Mix together equal parts of Baking Soda and Vegetable Oil and simply brush onto the gluey areas; leave for around 10 minutes and then wipe off. 


I like to then run them through the dishwasher to remove the oil and beautiful, clean jars come out ready to re-purpose


Thrifty Tip: To save some pennies use veg oil that has already been used once for frying. Invest in a wide funnel with a removable mesh filter that you can strain the oil through once cooled. Keep in a plastic bottle and store in the cleaning cupboard ready for jar cleaning duties.

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