One moment we are basking in the heat and next sloshing around in wellies. Heating off, heating on, never sure what to do for the best. Half term fun seriously limited by the weather which is a shame but not the end of the world. A Seek It Out follower recently told me how she had fun with her house full of her & other's kids, all climbing the walls as all the outdoor activities were cancelled. Determined not to have the day spent in front of the TV or on the Xbox she decided to have a competition. Had to be simple and fun as she only had one other adult in the house to help plus a mixed group of kids.
Clear they had to use what they had at home, so T towels were the order of the day. Out with the sewing machine (adults to be the machinists for the teams), the bits and bobs box (old ribbon, odd buttons, bits of gift wrapping etc.) and some fabric remnants. The kiddies were asked for ideas, adults worked out if they could make the item with what they had and then in teams of three they started project number one. To make a simple tote bag from a T towel. Each team was told to work on their own design and look, with some adult support but only when asked for. Several hours and several cookie breaks later all bags were complete. The differences were amazing considering everyone was in the same room. Competition was lively but healthy which made it all the more exciting. There were three bags in total, one had long handles, the other two short. One had an internal pocket with a button flap and another a bottle strap inside. Colours varied, some using mixed T towel pieces for contrasting effect and so the variations went on. Their attention to detail was really good, helped by a practical briefing from the adults on how it needed to be strong and robust if a bag.
The kids were really chuffed with their efforts and keen for more, no one slinked off to the computer or TV. In fact so keen they wanted to do something else, after much thought and more rummaging two more projects came out, TV remote tidy bags for sofa arms using from fabric remnants and decorated napkin rings using fabric and beads from a broken necklace.

Do not let the rain clouds spoil your fun. Remember we love to post great projects on our gallery.
Seek It Out: changing the world a stitch at a time
Stormcab - © zsooofija -
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