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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Being social is not always so wise


Welcome to our guest blogger Janie, who is going to be a regular part of the SIO blog team.  Janie is a specialist in small business support and advice.


Firstly, thanks to Seek It Out for inviting me to add to the SIO blogs, quite an honour I can say.  Hello to you all, especially the small business owners amongst you or those longing to escape the hamster wheel of employment for the, tough but worthwhile, world of self-employment.  When invited, I will be adding blog posts on running a business, ideas on how you can avoid pitfalls, ways to market and other similar topics.

Being social is not always so wise! 


Strange heading you might think but social networking does not always pay dividends.  Sometimes as small business owners we muddy the waters between personal and business, this can apply in social networking. Doing this we act from the heart not our business head.

The other day I saw some comments by few disgruntled stall holders at an event, cross because the venue was cold and draughty.  This was a two day event and these comments appeared on Twitter at the end of day one.  Fine to let off steam but why do it where potential attendees might see.  Those potential attendees may take one look and decide to spend the next day elsewhere.  That hurts your bottom line, your secondary marketing (raising brand awareness), and makes you publically the cause.  So not only might you annoy the event organiser, fair you may say, but you will possibly annoy other stall holders who also lose out if folks stay away.  Those stall holders could be ambassadors for your business long after the event, but not if they feel you have spoilt their take or reputation.  Tell the event organiser, constructive feedback good or bad is vital in business, but do it directly not from a soap box or your business might be the real loser.
Keep your personal views where only those close to you can see them. How would you feel if that was one of your products or services someone was publically decrying from a social media soap box, you would be devastated. Do not kick your business it has done nothing wrong, instead help it to thrive & survive by avoiding pitfalls like these!

Thanks for letting me ramble, hope it was informative and look forward to the next episode. Janie

Seek It Out: changing the world a stitch at a time.
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