Welcome to the Blog for www.seekitout.co.uk.

Seek It Out: taster crafting kits and stunning designer items for your home

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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

What is the big secret?

Do you ever feel left out, like you’re not part of a secret club whose members somehow know how to do everything? Why do cookery programmes, knitting patterns and so much more just assume we all know the basics? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone gave us a chance to get into something by kindly and clearly showing us the starter steps – after all, we’re grown up enough to know the difference between accepting guidance and being patronised...

Well, that’s something we’re passionate about here at Seek It Out: how can we give people that bit of extra guidance so they can try something new without fear, frustration or embarrassment. What’s more, as we grow and develop, we’ll listen to your feedback and constantly make improvements to the way we guide people – so you can help us help you! 

Is there a particular craft you fancy trying, but are you too nervous about mucking it up?  If so, go and find us on Facebook or Twitter and tell us about it.  Perhaps together we can change the world a little for the better and share the love of craft and creativity, rather than letting it be the preserve of the few…  

Seek It Out and you: changing the world, a stitch at a time!

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