I think
Fathers Day should be as important and memorable as Mothers Day.

In our house there was never such a fuss made, perhaps because we didn't really know what little things Dad would appreciate. Mum was always touched by bunches of hand picked
wild flowers clutched in clumsy fingers; she would even forgive the hole left in her flower beds. Growing up we would spoil her with little things to make her day more special; the usual breakfast in bed, a hand-made card that got stuck to the fridge and stayed there until next year when it was finally filed away with other treasures.

Fathers Day was different though, a card yes, Mum probably even bought his favourite treats for us to hand out too but we didn't do anything much together apart from the usual Sunday Dinner. All week long my Dad would work outside. I come from a farming family so sun up to sun set Dad was trudging around with no time for fun. Sundays didn't mean a day off, even on Fathers Day, so perhaps having a
sleep in the easy chair after dinner was the best present he could have had!
I hope that one day, when I have kids of my own, we will focus a bit more on Daddy and make time to spend the day together, not just on Fathers Day.

So, if you have kids and also feel that Daddy deserves more than a card this Fathers Day take a look on
Pinterest for some great crafting ideas to get the whole family involved this weekend. Not only will it make your man feel appreciated but it will give the kids precious childhood memories and maybe start a lifelong tradition of making time for loved ones in our hectic lives a bit more.
Some of my favourite ideas:
- Make tents out of blankets and have a picnic inside or even better, if you can, have a BBQ and make sure you remember the marshmallows for toasting!
- Collect smooth pebbles or rocks and paint them in fun patterns, use aboriginal art for inspiration. This can keep older children busy and inspired for ages and makes great paperweights for Dad's paperwork!
- Dig out the board games and have an afternoon of fun playing Cluedo, Pictionary or Go Fish...
- Use soda bottles filled with water as ten pin bowling pins. Daddy can show off his bowling skills and bond with the kids.
- Have a paper aeroplane making competition. Whoever has the best plane that flies farthest is the winner. You could also have prizes for the most funky design.