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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Curious Cat for Hallowe'en

Hallowe'en is a nice excuse to get crafty; I decided to stretch my stitching skills after a long time of not sewing anything.

I think this Curious Cat is just Puuurrrfect for October:

If, like me, you haven't done any sewing for a while the extra bonus with the curious cat comes as a 'Stitch and Keep' sewing guide that you can practice all the stitches on before you finish off on the proper piece. 

The kit comes with all the embroidery silks needed to embellish the printed design. I find working with an embroidery hoop much easier as it keeps the work taut and you're less likely to end up sewing two sides together by accident.

It's really simple to follow the areas that need to be worked and you can choose between the colours provided depending on what you prefer.

Now all I need to do is plan whether to make it into a cushion or frame it for the wall.....

If you haven't tried your hand at stitching before, I would recommend these wonderful kits designed by Nancy Nicholson 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

SIO Tips no. 52: Sewing Machine Needle Care

Sewing machine needles should be changed reasonably often to ensure crisp sewing stitches and the smallest possible puncture marks.  Will look less unsightly if you have to unpick.

SEEKITOUT: Changing the world a stitch at a time.